Thursday 9 December 2010

Proposed changes to logging defaults

Following recent discussion on python-dev, some changes to logging’s default behaviour are likely to be implemented soon, perhaps as soon as in 3.2b2 (3.2b1 was released just a few days ago). By default behaviour is meant behaviour in the absence of any explicit logging configuration.

The current behaviour, which dates from logging’s first appearance in Python, is as follows. When a logging event needs to be output, the logging package looks for handlers which have been configured by the application. If no such handlers are found, the package prints a message “No handlers could be found for logger XXX”, naming the logger that was used to log the event. (The message is only ever printed once, even if subsequent logging calls are made. Furthermore, the message is only printed when logging.raiseExceptions is True, which is the “development” mode of operation for logging. When logging.raiseExceptions is False, the “production” mode of operation for logging, the message isn’t printed, even once.)

This creates some problems when an application (or simple script, or interactive session – I’ll use script to mean any of these) meets the following criteria:

  • It uses a library which does logging under the covers.
  • It doesn’t configure any handlers.
  • The library code invoked logs events of severity WARNING or above.

Because the default verbosity for logging is WARNING, the logging package looks for handlers, and, not finding any, prints the one-off “No handlers could be found …” message. This may be a surprise to the author of the script and also for its users; it can generate support calls to the author from the users. The message was provided as a means of warning developers, who would have been new to logging, about a possible misconfiguration. (Of course, when logging was introduced,  everyone was new to it.) The importance of the message is less now than it was before, because many people are familiar with how logging works and provide good support on comp.lang.python to people who are newcomers to logging, or who run into issues that are simple to resolve.

To deal with the problem described above, the approach suggested has been for library developers to add a NullHandler instance to their top-level logger. This prevents messages from library code from causing the misconfiguration message to be printed, because a handler — the NullHandler — is always found when handling events from the library. If a script developer adds logging events in their own code which need to be handled, then the misconfiguration message will still appear, and that’s as it should be.

When the logging package was introduced, this was done with a philosophy that logging is an adjunct to normal application activity — meaning that a script should work in exactly the same way with or without the presence of logging. So logging tries to work as unobtrusively as possible, and is set up so that in production use, exceptions that occur in logging (e.g. mismatched format string and parameters) will not be raised, allowing a script to carry on uninterrupted. Also pertinent is the Unix philosophy that verbosity should be kept to a minimum.

The above describes the current state of play, but things are now set to change. The rationale for changing is:

  • The present behaviour goes against the Zen of Python, which says “Errors should never pass silently. Unless explicitly silenced.”
  • Python core developers want to be able to use the logging package not just as an adjunct to doing real work in the standard library, but to actually do the real work when it comes to the output of warning and error messages.
  • In some cases exceptions can’t be usefully raised, and writing out a message is the only way to provide information about an error condition which has been detected. Providing it via logging provides more flexibility in dealing with it than would a bare write to sys.stderr.

These changes will, in due course, bring benefits such as being able to redirect standard library warning and error messages, which are currently written to sys.stderr, to some destination of a developer’s choosing. However, it may cause some inconvenience to existing users, because the proposed behaviour change is not backwards-compatible.

How will the change be implemented? This is still being thought about, but the current front runner is to implement through the idea of a “handler of last resort”. When no handler is found when processing an event which needs to be output, instead of printing the misconfiguration message, the system will use the “last resort” handler to handle the event. The “last resort” handler will be (by default) a StreamHandler using sys.stderr as its stream, with its level set to WARNING. Details about how to preserve existing behaviour are still being worked on; one thought is that you can get existing behaviour by setting the last resort handler to None.

What’s the impact on users of logging?

  • If you’re using a version of Python earlier than 3.2, there’s no impact. Things will stay as they are.
  • Script developers: If you configure logging (i.e. add handlers), there should be no impact – the behaviour you see shouldn’t change, as long as there is no situation where a handler isn’t found. If you don’t configure logging, then in place of a misconfiguration message, you’ll see events of severity WARNING and above printed to sys.stderr without any specific formatting (i.e. as if the format string were "%(message)s").
  • Library developers: If the script using your library configured logging, you should see no change in behaviour. Otherwise: if you added a NullHandler to your library’s top-level logger, you should see no change in behaviour, but remember — your warning and error messages will not be shown to end-users. If you reverse the NullHandler addition or didn’t add it in the first place, then instead of a misconfiguration message, end-users will see your warning and error messages on sys.stderr.
  • End users: If the script being run configured logging, you should see no change in behaviour. If it didn’t, then in place of a misconfiguration message, you’ll see events of severity WARNING and above printed to sys.stderr without any specific formatting.

I hope I’ve covered everything, but should any kind reader spot some error or omission, please let me know.

Please feel free to comment giving your views on the proposed change, whether you approve of it or whether you think it affects you adversely. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. The old behavior (and the documentation which makes logging seem 10x more complicated than it should be) turned me off the logging package. The proposed change is excellent and user-friendly.
